Circuit Interruption

Pitching a bitch

Spoiling the ideas

Dissipation of the point

Stepping on land mines

PCs setting the bombs

Detonating your common sense

Punks jump up

With no solid results

No proof of argument

No battle scars to show

So, how do you feel?


Warriors transfigurations

Scope of problems

Programming successful

Lights lit souls click

Field work as communities

Only babies with immunity

Legacies perfected for them

(c) 2017

–E as Poetlove Water



Who pushes agenda the hardest?

I am not faint of heart!  I am not to make faint of someone’s heart.  This is a real world with real opposition.  So, I gladly embrace the opposition that may come.

Wonderful people…guess what I am discussing today?! The human ego.  When in balance, it produces great and sensible actions. When out of balance, it produces treachery, fear and falsehood.


I think I will begin with the women’s ego. Ladies, do not shoot me with a verbal/written/literal AK-47.  Just read and assess. Women fulfill many roles in many societies. They have acted as queens, military strategists, nurses, mothers, sisters, carriers of water, cooks, managers, secretaries, architects, real estate agents, community organizers and many other things.  Women are more than capable beings.  Unfortunately, women globally have been oppressed by imbalanced patriarchy, dominating religion and male chauvinism. Oppression breeds contempt. Now, who wants to be dictated constantly?  I believe it is safe to say no one.

During oppressing times for women, the psyche developed coping mechanisms, selected memory storage, unfavorable impressions of the oppressor(s) and a possible resentment towards others that appear as member of the oppressor/oppressive group.  To any logical mind, this seems to be a fair response. But, let’s look at a couple of things.  In nature, females are mothers. For most, mother equals caring. The polarity of woman’s character is viciousness, cunning, manipulative and hunters.  There are several species of female insects and mammals that are mean! Black Widow spiders kills the male spider after mating. Praying mantis will engage in a courtship. If the female is literally hunger, she will eat the head or leg of her partner after sex. There are human females that purpose to be mean and devious toward human males, as if it is their “womanly duty”.

Another thing to consider is the need for a woman’s egotistical whims to be satisfied constantly. Everyone likes a genuine compliment from time to time.  There seems to be an rapacious need for a woman to receive compliments, genuine or questionable. Additionally, many women have the expectation that a man will fulfill a long list of desires like working consistently to cover financial responsibilities, do indoor/outdoor home chores, spend a great amount of time with her, buy her things on a regular basis, take her out regularly, constantly provide compliments and pretend as if other women don’t exist on planet Earth.  Is this fueled by an imbalanced ego that creates an insatiable “appetite”?

Now, I’ll get to the men. In modern society, the ego seem to be strictly assigned to men.  It is a terrible myth that many men have fallen victim and allowed the usage to be abusive to others.  In this blog post, please note that I do respect the ‘man codes’ and will not divulge all of our secrets. I desire to not be kicked out of the brotherhood.  Haha

Unfortunately, men around the global have not felt a dire need to check one’s ego. In imbalanced male patriarchal, it is a disregarded option.  The effect has been many hurt and disappointed family/community members, rapes, fights, wars, company takeovers, unplanned pregnancies, jail/prison sentences, broken homes, domestic violence, among other things.  These are not good things at all.  Some men wonder why the general public are distrusting of their forthcoming actions. A balanced ego will help to solve the public unease.  It is understood that nature offers several levels of competitiveness. Man competes with the world, so to speak, on a daily basis.  Since one of his main roles in many societies is to be a provider, he must go into the world to hunt for what is necessary.  The competition pool may be small (living in a village, small town) to enormous (living in a large metropolis). This encourages an innate ego boost as a method of survival and personal inspiration.  When a man is deemed as “successful” to family/peers/community members, he may give all credit to self and an ego that boost self-value.  If the man does not have internal and external factors to regulate a healthy ego, then the ego inflates and causes problem.  People will begin to refer to him as “jerk”, “jackass”, “prick”, “asshole”, “bastard”, so on and continued.  Needless to say, those are not good descriptions.

As the title begs an answer…who pushes their agenda the hardest, men or women?  Please leave your responses in the comments below.  Don’t forget to share friends/family/colleagues. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

And the Winner is…MK Ultra Programming

Current times reveal that many things are covertly and overtly affecting us.  From chemtrails to television programs to music to marketing, psychological rape is at an all-time high.

Let’s start with 2017 Academy Awards blooper for ‘Best Picture’.  Humans make mistakes.  When tons of money, lobbyists and people of power are involved, we become especially careful. ‘La La Land’ wins. Two minutes later, the movie “Moonlight” wins.  I must say it was a very good film.  The writing, directing, cinematography, acting and story lines were rich and delivered well.  Yet, the Oscar wins signifies the lack of growth in Hollywood’s stance within a white supremacist system.  The story was about survival under extenuating challenges, first and foremost. A homosexual relationship between two Black teen males was secondary, maybe even tertiary. The mother was a prolific substance abuser. Her son’s mentor (who also was her main drug supplier) was a drug dealer. Many vile and seething circumstances prevailed itself, during the storytelling process of the film. The “rewarding” of the movie, Moonlight, was granted because it fuels the white supremacist system’s engine.  The reinforcement of negative imagery of Black people becomes a highly acclaimed “masterpiece of film”. Guess what?! That is an example of MK Ultra Programming.

For those that are unfamiliar, MK Ultra, sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program – is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects, at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As noted by US Supreme Court, MK Ultra was concerned with “the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.” (  Whether one is taken into secret chambers or listen to commercial radio, it holds the same degree of torturous tactics to gain control of one’s mind and soul.

Now, let’s get to latest “hot beef”….Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj.  First and last of all, why should we care?  True adults handle their business privately. But, the general public is addicted to drama in entertainment.  Although I don’t know the details, I am certain that is a marketing strategy to revive Remy Ma’s career and make Nicki Minaj “relevant” again. This is child’s play.  Grown people behaving like 8th graders.  Why are these talented people allowing the thoroughly wicked Jew-run entertainment play them completely out?! In particular, so-called Blacks are allowing foul and stupid behaviours to validate their existence.  I am sure that all of the strong, resilient, proud, highly intelligent, sharp, dedicated Black American ancestors that faced multilevel discrimination are extremely proud of today’s prevalent idiocy.  Public “beefs” between fully grown celebrities and artistes are poor in taste and execution….several steps backward for civil rights movement of Black Americans.

People….many of us are casualties in technological warfare on humanity.  Learn to identify triggers, tactics, methods and manifestations of programming to dumb us down and decrease vigilance in standing for what is best.

Finding Equity


Being Black is not synonymous to anger

Being Black is not synonymous to danger


Being Black is not synonymous to poverty

Being Black is not synonymous to tragedy


Being Black is common with perseverance

Being Black is common with cultural adherence


Being Black is common with ten thousand languages

Being Black is common with twenty thousand ethnicities


The color Black absorbs all

The color Black doesn’t fade at all


The color Black dominants the landscape

The color Black penetrates the sunrays


Black is when you are suffer-free

Totally operating in autonomy

Creating new waves in a laboratory

Pixelating new additions on life’s movie screen

Cosmos-inspired textile mosaics reign supreme


Eyes’ vision 8th dimension that affects impact

Lives of truth genuinely smile back

Rites of passage prepares responses of tact

Deep touches of moans felt along spine, back

Incomparable is the definition of Black


© 2016

–E as Poetlove Water

The new book has ALMOST arrived!

Greetings Dedicated Poetry Lovers,

As you have read in the title, the second book is almost available for homes across the globe. The Cells of the Tissue That Should Feel will be the second published book of E as Poetlove Water/Etaniel Ben Yehuda/me (scheduled for Fall 2016 release).  I believe this book is the extroverted twin of The Chronicles of Air, Water and the Source.  In the first book, The Chronicles, I encouraged readers through personal experience to seek the answers to life on inside of self.  Although this was not a popular concept in the 1990’s/early 2000’s, I hold steadfast to the idea of inner development for true empowerment.  I can give thousands of testimonies of the effectiveness of knowing self and walking in your divine power!


Now…that we have connected with self, it’s time to MAKE SOME NOISE! The Cells is not for the faint of heart or soul.  This life on Earth requires great amounts of strength, focus, determination and certainty in purpose.  Stay tuned as I provide teasers as poems over the upcoming weeks, leading to the publishing debut.  As always, I really appreciate the wonderful support that my artistic/soul expressions have garnered.  Fulljoy life!

The Funeral of Etaniel


Celebrating all he IS

Orange Blue Black

Soca music blaring

Afro-House compelling

Yes…letting the tears flow

But…mix in the cartwheels

Coupé Décalé, smiles and pleasantries


For the spirit has retired

Soul endured the fire

Because fires don’t consume dragons

Delectable brown body laid to rest

Weary eyes of trials by fire

Positively endless

Negatively temporal

Balance meets the area of grey


© 2016

— E as Poetlove Water

Is it for me or you?

Sharing space on planet Earth teaches us interdependence and appreciation of our surroundings.  The beautiful thing about this experience is that the supplies of Mother Gaia (Earth) are MORE than sufficient.  No one should lack anything!  But, we have beings that dissociate their intentions and health of ego from the larger group/population.  This develops into a terrible thing called selfishness.

Selfishness can manifest on a variety of levels.  The perpetrator may or may not be fully aware in a given moment.  But, it is best to develop a significant degree of self-awareness.  It will broaden perspectives.


First, let’s explore the passing of a loved one.  If it is a parent, sibling or child, then it could be especially hard to accept the physical disconnect.  For the most part, that relative have been around since your inception.  Now, you must get used to not seeing-touching-feeling-hearing-smelling the decedent.  I remember when my mother’s health was declining.  I reached a realization that I/the family MUST support her in whichever decision that she makes about HER life.  She was in constant pain and I know it was wearing on her.  She transitioned in April 2013.  But, the “release” was congruent with the intuitive message that she was ready to transition in February 2013.  Most deathly ill persons “stick around” for various reasons.  It could be to make amends with a broken relationship, to reduce the burden on family/friends of the burial process or the absorption of emotions that flow from the visitor(s) to the ill person.  I would like to say this…it is always best that we allow a person’s transition to be peaceful and clear.  No one should ever feel guilty about leaving loved ones.

Next, let us look at romantic relationship.  This should compel many to leave comments. It is a popular yet despised topic to explore.  In relationships, the healthiest approach is to establish your thoughts on the solid possibility of personal development.  Energy does not lie.  If you are sensing/feeling a strong attraction to someone, then it is worth exploring. Usually, it means that the two of you are meant to have an exchange for the enrichment of both parties.   It could be very momentary or it could be for fifty years or any time frame in between.  The two parties involved are the determinants.  Clarity, honesty, allowance for trust and room for mistakes will ensure a healthy bond.  Of course, it would be easier for me to focus on all of the ways that negativity manifests in relationships.  “Not today!” says E as Poetlove Water.  Humanity is broken and imbalanced.  Only solutions should be offered, at this point in time.  Word to the Wise and Unwise:  No one owns anyone or is exclusively subjected to the life of another.  Therefore, selfishness only stifles, agitate and interrupt a beautiful flow of moments.


Here is another thing…the naming of a child.  Growing up, I always found it repulsive when a parent names a child after one’s self.  I honestly dig not see the logic in this.  As I became an adult thinker, it started to reveal upon me why I had disdain about namesake designation.  I’ve come to the conclusion that the parent is intruding upon the autonomy and uniqueness of their offspring.  In most cases, these parents seem to place extremely high demands on the child to become what they parent wants out of life.  Parents, let’s remember that we are uniquely created and have our exclusive missions on planet Earth. Stifling a person’s true purpose in life can lead to depression, uncertainty, weakness, passivity and an UNFULFILLED mission.  Yes, we love out children.  Love is freedom and unconditional support, among other things.  I would suggest the old tried-and-true method of consulting with wise Elders or spiritual meditation to know for certain the child’s true name.  In many cultures, names carry power and high purpose.


Lastly, let’s talk politics and religion.  Actually, I won’t do much on the two topics because people overly sensitive and too passionate.  I will say this…whenever engaging in an exchange/dialogue concerning politics or religion, please say your piece and allow others to say their piece.  Listen, listen, listen.  Just don’t hear them…listen!  Your perspective can be broaden.  Although you may not agree, it doesn’t hurt to understand the other person’s viewpoint.  At the end of the day, more people will enjoy engaging in conversation about politics and/or religion.  Why?  You listen and respect other people’s position in life.  That takes a lot of SELFLESSNESS!  Cheers



“Do I Scratch My Head or Walk Away?”

As an artiste and human being, I have always had a strong desire to explore this portion of life on planet Earth (and beyond).  I guess this makes me free-spirited, right?!  Yes, it does and I LOVE IT!

Many of my movements and decisions for life have been questioned by those surrounding me.  These persons assumed that there was no thorough thought put into making certain big decisions.  I am rarely an impulsive person.  Historically, I have been the type to plan and organize, then, make the “grand announcement”.

During some of the exploratory voyages, I decided to study certain religions/schools of thought.  I believe learned and gained a deeper understanding about my life and life in general.  Also, I appreciated the sense and structure of a communal/familial setting. Those aspects were uplifting.  Life is a spectrum of balance. So, there were negative aspects.  The most distressing was insincerity.

It is amazing how the community of persons “love” you when you appear to be a good student or devout.  When you reach the point of awakening and realization that you have outgrown the organization, then you have leadership/members begin to question your sincerity.  Once you officially part ways, there a few, if any, that will contact you out of genuine concern.


In actuality, we are evolving beings.  No matter where you land in life, you will have to ascend or descend.  Stagnancy is not an option.  The morals of the story are that true living is developing organic, genuine connection with others and life is evolutionary. Let’s move along!!!

“I Think I am Untitled”

As a writer and human being, I am always seeking the challenge of challenging myself.  A writer’s group I have recently joined (Brooklyn, NY) provides a platform to be challenged and criticized.  It ensures that there is no allowance for a “comfort zone” when creating art that remonstrances status quo and social ills.  The result is below:

I Think I am Untitled

Up the stairs

How many stairs

How many stairs?

Lead to how many flights?


Preparation of the legs

Reaching new height

Many stares

Upon many stairs


Long strides

Produces extra sounds

Creaks that peak

Around the surroundings


Causation of building

Muscle mass

Strong lungs

So….how many stairs?


Eyes still staring

Seeking out flatlands

To rest joints

At the flex points


Views of dust

Slight debris

Welcomed to the nose

Invasion of some sorts


In flight

Upon a few more flights

Then I’ll reach

A much needed break


Creaks are peaking

Hope increasing

Tongue is panting

Patience is thinning


Okay now, okay now

This is it

The flatlands are here!

The extra sound as {{{ THUMP }}}


© 2016

E as Poetlove Water


The Disregard of the Disregarded

‘E’/I have always been a socially-observant person.  Throughout the years, the observations have caused a myriad of reactions internally.  It ranges from happiness to contemplation to inspiration to perplexity to nausea to thoughts of reversible provisional suicide.  The main audience of my observations are people of the Afrikan Diaspora.  My movements as a so-called Pan Afrikanist would dictate such behaviour.

One of the main behaviours that I have witnessed, indirectly and directly, is the action of disrespect.  It manifests as name calling, lack of extension of certain courtesies, negative body language, unwillingness to share, unwillingness to engage in constructive communication and devaluing members of the group in which one belongs.  Sad, sad, sad! I am always mindful of brevity and conciseness in my writings.  The goal is to hit the points and the supportive readers continue personal enlightenment on subject-matter.

Introspection is mandatory for personal development.  One wrong reaction can cost you your freedom or life.  Introspection and honest analysis ensure an increase in self-worth.  The hurt and pain that many Black people are feeling today manifest as terrible abuses and violence.  Words can be just as, if not more, violent as punching or kicking someone.  Many of us are left with deeper impressions of hurtful words that were spewed.  Usually, the physical strikes heal properly with no sign of existing.  An extreme that has become a phenomenon in the Black community is death at the hands of someone you know.  Heated arguments, impulse, emotional triggers and low self-value have lead to many murders.  Wholly, it becomes a two-sided issue.  The perpetrator has little to no self-value and the victim has little to no self-value.

The onslaught of social media outlets and websites like, TMZ, CNN, BET, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram have made it more convenient to observe the self-hatred and gross disrespect of Black people towards one another.  It is called “entertainment” now.  So, it moved from civic responsibility to pure entertainment.  Instead of assisting the person(s) that is being physically struck, it is more fun to film the incident.  In some instances, at least the “cameraman/woman” encourages the person winning the fight to stop or ask if the one losing is okay.  SMH  I am perturbed by the level of ignorance and complete apathy towards human life and wellness.  About a year ago, I made the conscious decision to not view any fight videos where Black people are fighting each other.  Honestly, it is very hurtful to view.  I feel the pain as an observer of persons who haven’t embraced self-love.  I do understand that self-love could be involvement in a fight to protect self or loved one.

The youth of today are bombarded with systemic racism, multitude of destructive propaganda, poor selection of food products/foods, broken homes and lack of sufficient parental/adult guidance.  The most popular way of dealing with the demands of modern life is self-medication.  A big part of youth culture is the consumption of alcohol and synthetic drugs.  The glorification is psychological mediation of justifying the use of harmful substances.  Anyone that knows ‘E’ know I am an advocate of youth development.  In many ways, my empathic nature goes into overdrive.  The pressures are real and overwhelming.  The eyes of the youth’s souls scream “I want discipline!”  But, it is rarely offered out of compassion, genuine concern, civic responsibility and pure love.

We are born with a conscience connected to the soul of man.  It governs what is perceived as “right” and “wrong”.  There is NO immunity for anyone that does not have extensive mental underdevelopment.  This includes the youth.  We are responsible for our actions (unless there is a lack of true cognizance in the given moment).  At a certain point in time, abusing your wonderfully made machine called a ‘human body’ is inexcusable.  Yes, Black people suffer deeply in the United States of America (this nation being the primary focus for this post).  The list of abuses are innumerable.  Yet, our heritage encourages us to call on those who have lived and transitioned from planet Earth.  They are referred to “ancestors” or “angels”.  Regrettably, the severe disconnect from our ancestral and cultural lineages have made this a foreign concept.  Furthermore, our brains must employ unbiased, multifaceted cognitive processing for concise examination of the nuances within the challenges we face.

It is understood that long-term stress and tension cause many undesired results.  It ranges from neurological unease, physical disease, social ineptness, interrupted sleep patterns and many other things.  In order for the “disregarded” group to learn how to regard the others of same said group, you must think before you speak/act.  The cause of blatant disrespectful actions and behaviours is directly linked to compounded stress and tension offered by modern society.  The act of projection is not the best way to deal.  Help can be sought in discussion groups, physical activities (sports), involvement in reflective verbal and situational (hypothetical) exercise, listening to one’s self as you speak and asking how one feels after engagement in communications with you.  Be mindful.  Place yourself in the recipient’s place.  If you have a “ah ha” moment, then great.  Your conscience is still alive and there is hope for personal reform.  If you have a genuine “I don’t care” response internally, then more support is needed.  We should never reach the point where we genuinely don’t care about someone.  I know this is a difficult feat, especially when you live in an urban center like New York City.  I have become jaded a few times in my adult life.  But, I realized that I had to put in the hard work of freeing myself from jadedness.  Now, I have acquired even greater respect for others and Black community at-large.