SPECIAL REPORT: From the desk of E as Poetlove Water

Greetings Great Folks!

Normally, I do not write any type of reactive literature in response to a current event.  But, I am this time.  I must forewarn the readers that there will be harsh language and truths to come forth.  Not for the faint of heart/spirit.  Also, this blog post will be primarily directed towards the Afrikan Diaspora.

NOW….Ferguson, as it is called for being the setting of yet, ANOTHER, unarmed melanated brother being shot in “self-defense” (according to the shooter/assailant/perpetrator of crime/cop).  Rest In Power Mike Brown!  You have been elected to be a matryr in this war of humanoid invaders against hueman beings that belong on Mother Goddess Earth (Gaia).  I am certain that your soul is not at peace.  You have the power and opportunity to come back into the Earth realm!  While you have transitioned, please take the time to gather your spiritual artillery to fuck shit up in the spiritual and physical realms! YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!!


Picture of Michael Brown’s High School Graduation

Message to the Earthlings:  While you guys were wondering why I did not engage in youthful carelessness and build up spiritual essence, you should have been finding out what I was doing exactly.  Because of the inner works and reconnection with Divine Mother-Father Source and the Ancestors, I have been protected from numerous attempts to take away my civil liberties/life.  From laced blunts to “random” harassment by the cops to brothers on the street with self-hatred to a plot by the chief of security at Federal Reserve Bank, I WAS NEVER TOUCHED!  You wanna know why?!?!?!  I was tapped into Source and the Ancestors provided guidance of when/where/why to go and do, at any given time.  This is the power that my Ancestors possessed!

Instead of bitching about discrimination, moaning of pain, begging for justice and sucking unmentionable body parts, RETUNE into our formerly common frequency!  I will say “the eye of Horus”.  Call on the mighty spirit of Mama Harriet Tubman and Baba Nat Turner!  Whenever a mission of freedom was to take place, the spirit of the Ancestors were invoked. Some call it convulsing or somewhat epileptic, but Mama Harriet knew where to go without ANY cartography (map). NOTHING/NOBODY supercedes Spirit or is beyond reproach.

native roots african spirits

Native Roots, “African Spirits” music recording (Afro House mix)

If you need assistance tapping in, go within to attain the guidance!  Others are already on the path to meet you.  Bliss Light Protection & Power